Thursday, December 11, 2008

Fine Art: Reading is Fun

I miss reading! I'm just really busy at the moment that even tabloids I don't have time anymore to read :-). Reading is a good closing of the hectic day so normally I would read in the night before I sleep. I grew up with a lot of bed time stories so it's just perfect to do it in the evening. I like reading aloud too, making different sounds depending on who's talking. That's I guess something my future kids would definitely enjoy :-).

Reading is Fun


Iris said...

That picture's from "Where The Wild Things Grow" isn't it? I remember they used to have this as a poster at our library. I always want to be the kid in the costume.

I've gotten very far behind in reading lately too but I'm hoping to change that after Christmas. I put several book on my Christmas wish list this year. Fingers crossed Santa will come through. ;)

Art Lover said...

It's from the same artist so could be. I'm really curious about this book, I like the drawings so far :-).

nina kuriloff said...

Maurice Sendak is a major talent!
It's great to see this piece.